Twelfth Night
Written by William Shakespeare in 1602, Twelfth Night was a romantic comedy centred on the twins Viola and Sebastian, and their strange love encounters.

Twelfth Night is such an amusing comedy, so I wanted to design it with fun. I researched different games to find inspirations for my stage to make it playground-like.
Real human-sized chess game interested me. Also, I found it very suitable to depict the dynamic of the two houses in the script.
Inspiration and Development

After trying in different ways to adapt the concept into a stage, I decided to have my sets printed on semi-translucent screens. All those screens can move freely through the rails hiding under the floor.
LED screens were set on the floor so the floor patterns could be changed. This design was later used to emphasise the dynamic.

Malvolio’s two outfits were designed with similar elements, but everything got exaggerated in the later version. Also, he kept a key to the whole house around his neck.

Expected to be an old lady when she veiled herself. However, when she showed her face it turned that she was quite a happy teenager. It was to make the audience feel this shame that a passionate lady decided to vail herself in such a young age.

Olivia’s sly maid. She had embroidery on her apron and a little touch of accessories. This indicated that she worked for a noble house. Her blouse was made of thin muslin, showing she is a sexy woman.

Followed Duke Orsino's fashion, in a humble way.

He wore a lace ruff showing his appreciation of Olivia’s House’s fashion and his narcissism.

Followed Duke Orsino's fashion, in a pride way.

The twin’s outfits are similar but Viola's is more plain.

The twin’s outfits are similar but Sebastian's is more luxurious.

A reverend with an awkward smile on his face. He does not know what is going on.

Troublesome elder. Wear prime colour.

Troublesome elder. Wear prime colour.

A foreign servant wore the humblest servant outfit.
Based on Elizabethan outfits, each house had different colours. Olivia’s House wore generally gold and black colours outfits, while Duke Orsino’s House wore silver and blue.

Valentine brought the news that Duke Orsino had failed to court Olivia.

Viola came to Illyria because of a shipwreck and decided to dress up as a man to serve Duke Orsino.

Sir Toby wants to introduce Sir Andrew to Olivia. The two are mocked by Maria.

Duke Orsino asked Viola to help himcourt Olivia.

Viola came to persuade Olivia with her own words. However, Olivia did not appreciate it.

Sebastian thought that Viola was dead and told Antonio about his missing sister.

Malvolio handed over Olivia’s ring to Viola. Viola realised that Olivia fell in love with her.

Sir Toby and Sir Andrew had a drink and was rebuked by Malvolio. The two and Maria had a plan to tease Malvolio.

Viola tried to get Duke Orsino's thoughts on herself.

Sir Toby, Sir Andrew and Fabian hide and listen to Maria's letter as Olivia wrote to Malvolio. Poor Malvolio thought that Olivia fell in love with himself.

Olivia pursued Viola.

Sir Andrew is prepared to duel with Viola under Sir Toby and Fabian’ suggestion. Maria brought good news: Malvolio was completely fooled by the letter.

Antonio told Sebastian about his previous experience of being a pirate here. They agreed to meet at the hotel for an hour.

Malvolio believed Maria’s letter. Olivia is puzzled by Malvolio’s abnormal deeds. Sir Toby, Sir Andrew, Maria and Fabian continue to make fun of Malvolio. Viola was forced to fight with Sir Andrew. Antonio was arrested and asked Viola for help.

Sebastian was treated as Viola by Olivia. He fell in love with Olivia at first sight.

Maria dressed Feste as a priest and teased the imprisoned Malvolio.

Olivia and Sebastian married under the witness of the priest.

The Duke wants to kill Viola. Olivia was forced to admit that she had married to Sebastian. Viola and Sebastian finally recognised each other. Duke Orsino proposed to Viola. All were happy.
Screens are manipulated by the characters, mostly by servant characters, according to the scenes.

Technical Drawing and Sample
Technical drawings and some samples were made to show what it will look like in the real performance.